This year was the first year that we planted sunflowers at the orchard. Why not honor that with a picture of a sun flower to represent our first year planting them!
We usually have some type of picture that we try to do for the corn maze. While doing that, there are usually curves that you will follow. Sometimes this gives you a reference point for where you might be in the maze. This year we wanted to make it a little harder and do all straight lines. We hope you like it!
This year we decided to make the corn maze a little tougher. Hopefully, we accomplished that! Although, we have done a pumpkin before, we have not done a Jack-O-Lantern yet. Surprisingly, it took us the same amount of time as our other mazes to do.
This year I swore we were going to do the con maze when it was starting to come up. I got the maze picture all drawn up and decided that I would take our marker paint and mark out where we needed to cut. In a few hours I had half of the maze drawn out and ready to cut. Unfortunately, we didn't get time to come back to it until it was over 6 feet tall. All my marker paint was gone, and we had to start from the beginning. Oh well, maybe next year!
Wow, can I say how hard it is to come up with a design this year. I asked everyone in the family to help come up with an idea but they were just as stumped as I was. Although, I do not like to do things at the last minute, sometimes the best ideas come that way! We do love our chickens and farm fresh eggs!
Each year it gets a little harder to plan out the design for the corn maze. Like the past two years, we waited to long to cut the maze. This year I did not get covered in pollen. Yay! Maybe one year we will have enough time to get at it sooner. So, this year we wanted to honor our bees because without their hard work we would not have apples on the trees. Sometimes, life goes by really fast and it is important to stop and think about the process of everything and how it needs to be saved. We even winged the wings a little! Pun intended! Yes, we cut it ourselves again, and yes we are still married!
For those of you who have visited us last year , you have probably heard the story of the corn maze. No, we do not have it cut professionally. Every year I plan out the picture and place it on a grid. When it comes to cut the corn maze, Brandon takes the big lawnmower and follows behind me as I count boxes. Again, this year we waited to long to cut the maze and I was covered in pollen and pretty much turned yellow. We did a really good job at the apple and the first part of the pumpkin. Yes, that is suppose to be a pumpkin on the left hand side of the picture. By the time we got the top of the pumpkin done, Brandon had had enough of cutting the corn maze. I was like well we can't leave it like this. He wanted me to get up on the mower and stand above him, and point my arm in the direction he should drive. All I can think is kids don't do this at home. Now, lets keep in mind, that the corn is really tall and blends together really well, so it is not easy to see the paths that we had created. So, for some reason, which we all know why, I agreed and off we went to cut the rest of the pumpkin. I think we can all agree that I do a much better job at counting boxes and will not be listening to him in the future. It's all about the journey!
With this being our fist year to open, we have added a corn maze to our crazy lives at the apple orchard. This is one of the only projects that we did not do our full research on. We thought, hey plant corn, let it grow a little, and cut down the paths. My husband knew that he wanted to plant the corn maze both ways like most orchards do. So, we had it planted and figured hey we have time to come up with a plan on what we wanted the corn maze to look like. Well, corn grows really fast. Neither of us had cut down corn before. Of course, we thought we would hire somebody to come out and cut it for us. Little did we know that this costs thousands and thousands of dollars. Running an orchard and opening an orchard takes every penny we have and this was not in our budget. My husband will say that there is a right way and a wrong way to do a corn maze. We did everything the wrong way but we completed it. Since the corn grew so fast, and or lives are so busy, we went in to cut the maze when it was over 6 feet tall. The easiest way that we found for us to do this is for me to map out the image on a grid of dots. So, I would go in and knock down stalks and Brandon would follow me and mow down the path. For not telling where we were going besides a map, I don't think that we did too bad. We hope that you enjoy either the large maze or the kids maze. Each year we hope to bring you an enjoyable maze!
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